Stay fit on the go with bodyweight exercises

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Staying fit while traveling can be a challenge, but with bodyweight exercises, you can easily maintain your fitness routine wherever you go. Whether you’re a frequent traveler or simply on a short vacation, these exercises require no equipment and can be done in the comfort of your hotel room or even outdoors. From push-ups and squats to planks and lunges, there are plenty of bodyweight exercises that target different muscle groups and provide a full-body workout. So, say goodbye to the excuse of not having a gym nearby and hello to staying fit on the go with bodyweight exercises!

Stay fit on the go with bodyweight exercises

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Benefits of Bodyweight Exercises

Bodyweight exercises are a fantastic way to stay fit and active, especially when you’re on the go. Whether you’re traveling for work or pleasure, these exercises offer a multitude of benefits that can help you maintain your strength and fitness levels.

Improve strength and endurance

One of the most significant benefits of bodyweight exercises is their ability to improve both strength and endurance. By using your own body weight as resistance, you can gradually increase the intensity of your workouts, leading to improved muscle strength over time. Additionally, these exercises target multiple muscle groups simultaneously, enhancing overall body endurance.

Increase flexibility and mobility

Another advantage of bodyweight exercises is their ability to increase flexibility and mobility. Exercises such as squats and lunges help to improve joint flexibility and range of motion, which is essential for maintaining good posture and preventing injuries. Regular practice of bodyweight exercises leads to better overall flexibility, allowing you to move with ease and grace.

Burn calories and promote weight loss

If you’re looking to shed some extra pounds or maintain a healthy weight while traveling, bodyweight exercises are an excellent choice. These exercises are highly effective in burning calories and boosting metabolism, leading to weight loss or weight maintenance. Additionally, incorporating bodyweight exercises into your routine helps to build lean muscle mass, which further contributes to a higher metabolic rate.

Reduce the risk of injuries

One of the biggest concerns when exercising on the go is the risk of injuries. However, bodyweight exercises are significantly safer compared to exercises that require heavy equipment or weights. Since you’re using your own body weight as resistance, there’s less chance of straining muscles or joints. By practicing proper form and progression, you can minimize the risk of injuries and ensure a safe and enjoyable workout.

Basic Bodyweight Exercises

When it comes to bodyweight exercises, it’s always good to start with the basics. These exercises are simple yet highly effective in targeting multiple muscle groups. Incorporating these basic exercises into your routine will provide a strong foundation for strength and fitness.


Push-ups are a classic bodyweight exercise that primarily targets the chest, shoulders, and triceps. They also engage the core muscles for stability. To perform a push-up, start in a plank position with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Lower your body by bending your elbows, keeping your back straight, and then push back up.


Squats are a fantastic exercise for targeting the lower body, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and lower your body as if you’re sitting back into an imaginary chair. Keep your knees in line with your toes and your back straight. Engage your core and push through your heels to return to a standing position.


The plank is a great exercise for building core strength and stability. Start by getting into a push-up position, but instead of resting on your hands, lower yourself onto your forearms. Keep your body in a straight line from head to toe, engage your core, and hold this position for as long as you can.


Lunges are excellent for targeting the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes, while also improving balance and stability. Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. Take a step forward with your right foot, lowering your body until your right thigh is parallel to the ground. Push through your right heel to return to the starting position, and repeat on the other side.

Mountain climbers

Mountain climbers are a fantastic cardiovascular exercise that also engages the core and upper body. Start in a push-up position, then bring one knee towards your chest, while keeping the other leg extended. Quickly switch your legs, as if you’re running in place. Engage your core and keep your hips steady throughout the movement.

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Intermediate Bodyweight Exercises

Once you’ve mastered the basic bodyweight exercises, you can progress to more challenging movements to further challenge your strength and endurance. These exercises require a higher level of fitness and coordination, but they are incredibly rewarding.


Burpees are a full-body exercise that combines a squat, plank, and jump. Start in a standing position, then lower yourself into a squat. Place your hands on the ground in front of you, jump your feet back into a plank position, and then jump your feet back to your hands. Finally, explode upwards into a jump, extending your arms overhead. Repeat this motion for the desired number of repetitions.

Jumping jacks

Jumping jacks are a great cardiovascular exercise that also targets the shoulders, legs, and core. Start with your feet together and your arms by your sides. Jump your feet out to the sides while simultaneously raising your arms above your head. Quickly jump back to the starting position and repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

Tricep dips

Tricep dips are an effective exercise for targeting the triceps and improving upper body strength. Sit on the edge of a chair or bench with your hands gripping the edge. Extend your legs out in front of you and slowly lower your body by bending your elbows. Keep your back close to the chair or bench, and then push through your hands to return to the starting position.

Bicycle crunches

Bicycle crunches are a challenging exercise that targets the abs, obliques, and hip flexors. Lie on your back with your hands by your temples and your legs lifted, knees bent at a 90-degree angle. Lift your head, shoulders, and upper back off the ground, and simultaneously twist your torso and bring your right elbow towards your left knee. Extend your right leg out straight and bring your left elbow towards your right knee. Continue alternating sides in a pedaling motion.


The bridge is an excellent exercise for targeting the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back muscles. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground, hip-width apart. Press through your heels and lift your hips off the ground, squeezing your glutes at the top. Hold this position for a few seconds, then lower your hips back down and repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

Advanced Bodyweight Exercises

If you’re looking to take your bodyweight training to the next level, these advanced exercises will push your strength, balance, and coordination to new heights. They require a high level of fitness and often necessitate the development of specific skills.

Handstand push-ups

Handstand push-ups are a challenging exercise that targets the shoulders, triceps, and upper body. Start in a handstand position with your feet against a wall if needed. Lower your body by bending your elbows, keeping your head close to the ground, and then push back up to the starting position. This exercise requires a strong upper body and good balance, so be sure to practice against a wall or with a spotter until you feel confident.

Pistol squats

Pistol squats are a fantastic exercise for targeting the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes, while also challenging your balance and stability. Begin by standing on one leg, with the other leg extended in front of you. Slowly lower your body by bending your knee, keeping the extended leg straight and lifted off the ground. Push through your standing heel to return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side.

Single-leg burpees

Single-leg burpees are a more advanced variation of the traditional burpee, adding an extra challenge to your overall strength and coordination. Start in a standing position and lower yourself into a squat. Place your hands on the ground and jump one leg back into a plank position, while keeping the other leg extended. Jump your extended leg back to your hands, explode upwards into a jump, and land on one leg. Repeat the movement with the opposite leg.

Superman hold

The superman hold is a challenging exercise that targets the muscles in your back, glutes, and hamstrings. Lie on your stomach with your arms and legs fully extended. Lift your arms, chest, and legs off the ground as high as you can, creating a “flying superman” position. Hold this position for as long as you can while keeping your core engaged. Lower back down to the starting position and repeat.

Clapping push-ups

Clapping push-ups are an explosive exercise that targets the chest, shoulders, and triceps, requiring both strength and explosive power. Start in a push-up position, lower your body towards the ground, and then explosively push up with enough force to lift your hands off the ground. Clap your hands together and quickly place them back on the ground to cushion your landing. Repeat the movement for the desired number of repetitions.

Stay fit on the go with bodyweight exercises

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Equipment-Free Workouts

When you’re on the go, it’s not always practical or possible to have access to exercise equipment. However, that shouldn’t stop you from getting a great workout. These equipment-free workouts are perfect for keeping you fit and active wherever you may be.

Tabata circuit

Tabata circuits are short, intense workouts that consist of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated for a total of four minutes per exercise. You can choose any bodyweight exercises you prefer and perform them at maximum effort during the 20-second work intervals. This type of workout is highly efficient and helps to improve cardiovascular fitness and burn calories.

AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)

AMRAP workouts are great for time-efficient, high-intensity workouts. Pick a set of bodyweight exercises and complete as many rounds as possible within a specific time frame, usually 10 to 20 minutes. This type of workout challenges both your cardiovascular fitness and muscular strength, providing a well-rounded full-body workout.

HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training)

HIIT workouts are known for their effectiveness in burning calories and improving cardiovascular fitness. They involve short bursts of intense exercise followed by short recovery periods. You can create your own HIIT workout with bodyweight exercises such as burpees, jumping jacks, and mountain climbers. Alternate between 30 seconds of maximum effort and 30 seconds of rest for a total of 10 to 20 minutes.

Tabata intervals

Similar to Tabata circuits, Tabata intervals are a form of high-intensity interval training. However, instead of performing a variety of exercises, you choose one or two exercises and perform them in a Tabata format. This means 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated for a total of four minutes per exercise. You can choose exercises like squats, push-ups, or burpees and alternate between them for a challenging and effective workout.

Fitness Apps for Bodyweight Exercises

If you’re looking for guidance and variety in your bodyweight workouts, there are numerous fitness apps available that provide structured workout programs, exercise demonstrations, and tracking features. Here are some popular fitness apps that offer bodyweight exercises:

Nike Training Club

Nike Training Club offers a wide range of workout programs designed to suit different fitness levels and goals. The app features a vast library of bodyweight exercises with instructional videos, allowing you to follow along with expert trainers and track your progress.


While not specifically a fitness app, MyFitnessPal can be a great tool for tracking your bodyweight workouts and overall fitness progress. The app allows you to log your workouts, set goals, and track your calorie intake, making it easier to stay accountable and motivated.


Fitbod is a workout app that creates personalized training plans based on your goals, fitness level, and available equipment. The app features a wide variety of bodyweight exercises and provides detailed instructions and demonstrations for each exercise.


Freeletics offers a variety of bodyweight workout programs and workouts tailored to your fitness level and goals. The app features high-intensity workouts that can be done anywhere, anytime, without the need for equipment.


Seven is a fitness app that provides quick and effective seven-minute workouts using only bodyweight exercises. The app is perfect for those who have limited time or prefer short, intense workouts.

Stay fit on the go with bodyweight exercises

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Bodyweight Exercises for Different Muscle Groups

When it comes to targeting specific muscle groups, bodyweight exercises can be highly effective. Here are some bodyweight exercises that focus on different muscle groups:

Upper body exercises

  • Push-ups: Targets the chest, shoulders, and triceps.
  • Tricep dips: Targets the triceps and upper body.
  • Plank: Targets the core, chest, and shoulders.
  • Clapping push-ups: Targets the chest, shoulders, and triceps.

Lower body exercises

  • Squats: Targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes.
  • Lunges: Targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes.
  • Pistol squats: Targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes.
  • Bridge: Targets the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back muscles.

Core exercises

  • Plank: Targets the core and abdominal muscles.
  • Bicycle crunches: Targets the abs, obliques, and hip flexors.
  • Superman hold: Targets the lower back muscles and glutes.
  • Mountain climbers: Targets the core and upper body.

Cardio exercises

  • Burpees: Provides a full-body cardiovascular workout.
  • Jumping jacks: Improves cardiovascular fitness and targets the legs and shoulders.
  • Mountain climbers: Offers a great cardio workout and targets the core and upper body.
  • Single-leg burpees: Combines cardiovascular exercise with leg and core strength.

Bodyweight Exercises for Different Locations

Whether you’re traveling for work or pleasure, finding time and space to exercise can be challenging. However, with bodyweight exercises, you can stay fit no matter where you are. Here are some bodyweight exercises you can do in different locations:

Hotel room exercises

  • Push-ups: Perfect for small spaces like hotel rooms.
  • Plank: Requires minimal space and can be done anywhere.
  • Lunges: Can be performed in a small area, targeting the legs and glutes.
  • Mountain climbers: Great for getting your heart rate up in a limited space.

Park exercises

  • Squats: Take advantage of the park’s open space and fresh air.
  • Lunges: Perfect for incorporating into a walk or jog around the park.
  • Tricep dips: Utilize park benches or picnic tables for this exercise.
  • Jumping jacks: Enjoy the freedom of space in the park for this cardio exercise.

Airport exercises

  • Walking lunges: Find a long hallway or empty space in the airport and perform walking lunges.
  • Tricep dips: Use airport chairs or a sturdy surface to perform tricep dips.
  • Calf raises: Stand near a wall or railing and perform calf raises while waiting for your flight.
  • Plank: Find a quiet corner in the airport and hold a plank for a quick core workout.

Workplace exercises

  • Wall sits: Find a wall and lean against it with your thighs parallel to the ground for a challenging lower body exercise.
  • Desk push-ups: Place your hands on the edge of your desk and perform push-ups to target your chest and triceps.
  • Inverted rows: Utilize a sturdy table or desk to perform inverted rows, which target your back and biceps.
  • Chair squats: Stand in front of your chair and sit down and stand up repeatedly to engage your lower body.

Tips for Staying Fit on the Go

Staying fit while traveling doesn’t have to be a challenge. By following these tips, you can maintain your fitness regimen and stay active wherever you go.

Schedule exercise time

Just like any other appointment, schedule specific time slots for your workouts. Treat exercise as a priority and make it a non-negotiable part of your day.

Pack lightweight workout gear

Invest in lightweight workout gear, such as resistance bands or a compact yoga mat, that can easily fit into your luggage. These items take up minimal space and allow you to perform a wider variety of exercises.

Utilize your surroundings

Take advantage of the environment around you. Look for parks, staircases, or open areas where you can perform bodyweight exercises outside. If you’re staying in a hotel, use the gym facilities or make use of the space in your hotel room.

Stay hydrated

One of the keys to maintaining your fitness while traveling is to stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially when engaging in physical activity. Proper hydration supports your overall health and performance.

Stay consistent

Consistency is crucial when it comes to staying fit on the go. Even if you can’t fit in a full workout, aim for short bursts of activity throughout the day. Park farther away and walk to your destination, take stairs instead of elevators, and find opportunities to move your body whenever possible.


Staying fit on the go is not only possible but also highly beneficial for your overall health and well-being. Bodyweight exercises offer a convenient and effective way to maintain your strength, endurance, and flexibility wherever your travels may take you. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced, there are a variety of exercises to suit your fitness level and goals. With a little planning and creativity, you can stay fit, energized, and ready to tackle any adventure that comes your way. So, the next time you’re traveling, don’t forget to pack your workout gear and incorporate bodyweight exercises into your routine. Your body and mind will thank you!

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